The Gift of the Death Chart

It took me over ten years to learn the difference between allowing my grief to slowly lose its hold and actively seek closure. With the loss of a close friend, I wrestled with the desire to change the past and the part of me that knew death was part of life. I traveled around this merry-go-round for a long time. Then at last, I reached a point where I found a way to embrace what had existed and to transform it into a new gesture. 

This gift has come by working with a little known process called the Death Chart. In astrology, the Birth Chart serves as a guiding tool, particularly during moments of uncertainty. But isn’t it interesting that we rarely hear about its counterpart–the Death Chart. This chart is unique because it is not requested by the “owner” as with the Birth Chart, but by a family member or friend who is left behind. 

The Death Chart reading offers a powerful healing and evolutionary experience that can allow us to:

  • Celebrate the significance of the person’s life
  • Experience a new level of closure
  • Feel a closeness to the one who has died

As an astrologer, my work is in response to the desire to know about ourselves. This process continues even after death. Friends and family can witness the arc of a deceased’s activity from their humble beginnings to life’s completion. When we acknowledge the transformation a person has made throughout their life, their wisdom multiplies.

The Initial Gesture

I admit that it wasn’t my first impulse to work with the Death Chart. I initially ignored it. Death brings a profound whirlwind of emotions, and as an intuitive, I feel them deeply. The lesson life had in store for me was that I can choose. I can withdraw, but when I am ready, I can engage. This is how it unfolded.

Ten years ago I experienced a series of changes. I had just switched careers and during this time I made a new friend. Our recognition was instant as if we had grown up together. Unfortunately this friendship was shortlived, because in less than three years, she died from a sudden illness. Looking back, I now see that I had silently held onto my pain and had insulated myself from others. 

My Cue Card to Act

Despite the difficulty in my processing, I slowly opened up and allowed others to see the real me. I made new friends and saw how life continues like a meandering river. Time went on and a colleague unexpectedly passed. She had touched so many people from her decades of work as a beloved kindergarten teacher. When I learned that she had died on the same day as her birthday, I saw a sign of an elegant design. This time I resolved to directly engage by offering a gift to those who cared about her deeply and worked alongside her. It was scheduled after the first anniversary of her passing. I had so many questions, but as I held her Natal Chart and Death Chart in my hands, a deep knowing settled inside me. As I smiled, I felt an involuntary exhale of subtle delight, “There you are!” 

During our gathering, I guided the participants through visible patterns. As they shared stories, we built a collective picture and the mood shifted. The afternoon was a mix of celebratory energy and sober acknowledgement of the challenges she had encountered. As a result of this reading, I gained a closer connection to her, and the community saw how they could unite in support of a beloved friend. It felt good.

Lasting Impressions

The ending of a loved one’s physical existence feels shockingly final.  Even if you believe, like I do, that there is part of us that continues, there is often an ache for all of the things that could have been- that maybe should have been. A Death Chart reading includes viewing the pair of charts and integrating them into a final picture of the life of the one who has passed. It can feel like the crafting of a love letter, a mutual acknowledgement of the deep love and inspiration between them and their loved ones. However it makes sense that this flow of love goes both ways, and our interest can also be felt by the one who has passed.

The joy that has come from this transformative work has urged me to share it with others. It has brought a feeling of peace as I am given a chance to stand as a witness to someone’s life that contains their struggles, triumphs, misunderstandings, wishes, and gifts. Lastly, there is an acceptance of their Earthly departure.

Circling back to my friend who passed over ten years ago; our relationship continues in a new way. Every so often she places a fragrant flower in my path, and I get to say, “Thank you for being a part of my life.”



If you are interested in exploring a reading for someone who has passed, I would be honored to offer support. Our relationships do not end at death. Doing this work often creates a conscious pathway for the departed to feel honored and closer to us. In turn, it supports our personal evolution. 

Learn more by scheduling a 15 minute complimentary consultation.

Headshot of Maria Morales

I enjoy sharing my love for personal growth. I consider myself a perpetual student since I learn more about our marvelous journey with each person I meet.

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